Dietitian and Nutritionist Yasemin Cantimur
Klinik Diyetisyen ( M. Sc. )
Born in Istanbul, she studied French throughout primary and secondary school at the elementary school of Notre Dame de Sion French High School. At the same time, she completed her part-time classical ballet education at Mimar Sinan University State Conservatory. She continues her dance life as a hobby in advanced Latin dances. She then attended Sainte - Pulchérie French High School with a 50% success scholarship. She holds DELF B2, a French language proficiency certificate recognized all over the world, and she also speaks English at B2 level. She has given private lessons in French. She also learned German during her university studies. She was accepted to the Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at the University of Strasbourg, but since her dream profession was dietetics, she studied at Bahçeşehir University Nutrition and Dietetics and Gastronomy (minor) departments with 80% scholarship. She did internship at Koç University Hospital, Ota Polyclinic and Ota & Jinemed Hospital. She has attended congresses, seminars and training programs in the fields of breastfeeding counseling, nutrition during pregnancy, infant and child nutrition, nutrition in pediatric diseases, nutrition in adult diseases (endocrinology, oncology, etc.), enteral and parenteral nutrition, phytotherapy, functional medicine and nutrient drug interactions.
Klinik Beslenme Alanında Hizmetler
İç Hastalıklarında Beslenme Tedavisi
Obezite - kilo verme
Malnutrisyon -kilo alma
Diyabet - şeker hastalığı
İnsülin direnci
Hipertansiyon - tansiyon yüksekliği
Karaciğer hastalıkları - karaciğer yağlanması
Hiperkolesterolemi ve hipertrigilseridemi kolesterol ve trigliserit yüksekliği
Tiroid hastalıkları -hipotiroidi
Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar - ateroskleroz - damar tıkanıklığı
Gut hastalığı - hiperürisemi -ürik asit yüksekliği
Safra kesesi hastalıkları - kolesistit, kolesistektomi, kolelitiazis, koledokolitiazis
Kadın Hastalıklarında Beslenme Tedavisi
Menopoz döneminde beslenme
Osteoporoz ( kemik erimesi)
Polikistik Over Sendromunda ( PCOS) beslenme
Hamilelikte beslenme
Emzirme döneminde beslenme - emzirme danışmanlığı
Doğum sonrası kilo verme
Fonksiyonel Tıp Yaklaşımıyla Beslenme Tedavisi
Eliminasyon diyeti
Besin intoleransları
Anti - aging beslenme
İnsülin direnci
Metabolik sendrom
Çocuk beslenmesi
Kardiyovasküler hastalıklar
Otoimmün hastalıklar
Çocuk Hastalıklarında Beslenme
Gelişim bozukluğu
Kilo alma
Tip 1 Diyabet
İnsülin direnci
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